Harry felt better than he had felt in a long time. Is Aunt Petunia a Witch Harry Petunia and the Creaky Stair why did ‘We might have had an engagement.’. Who was the worst Dursley: Petunia or Vernon? | Wizarding ... So Petunia took Harry in. The Dursleys' Backstory, Revealed! J.K. Rowling Posts New ... “Oh Harry dear, you don’t look so good, lay down and take a rest.” Petunia said sweetly, as Harry mechanically climbed into bed. Are the Dursleys abusive? Child Abuse in Harry Potter They treated Harry very badly till they … She’s since starred in Falling Skies, Runaways, The … Edit: aunt picked me up. They resent him, and dislike him, but he was family to Petunia and they took him in - ostensibly after Dumbledore’s explanation, but also because of Lily Evans. Caring for an unwanted child who reminded her of her bitter past, who might turn out to be exactly what she had wanted but now abhorred, who reminded her of a sister she had loved and hated, it added to her resentment … In order to ensure Harry's safety, Albus Dumbledore placed Harry there when he was a baby. Petunia's feelings are more complex. Aunt Petunia had never in her life looked at him like that before. Petunia did care for her sister and later her nephew. From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Remember when the Dursleys were going into hiding in beginning of the seventh book, aunt Petunia looked at Harry as if she wanted to say something to him, and Harry felt for the second time in his life that she was her only remaining family. Once, journalists asked Rowling what Harry’s aunt wanted to tell him when he was leaving their home forever. No, she is not, she is not a Squib.She is a Muggle. ... Dursley and Fiona Shaw as Aunt Petunia. Rowling adds that Vernon hated Harry because he saw father James in him, much in the same way that Snape does. "She's my daughter." Petunia took Harry “grudgingly, furiously, unwillingly, bitterly” . When Dumbledore had left Harry at Dursleys' doorstep he had also left a letter that explained Petunia that her presence worked like a magical protection for Harry as it was her sister that had sacrificed her life for Harry. Harry's teacher let the kids take the worksheet home after it was graded. He loved Harry as if he was his own "What about Aunt Petunia?" (a, an, the) Aunt Petunia looked as though she had just swallowed ___ lemon. He wants Harry to make friends with the light side, he’s worried about the dark getting their hands on him and using him. Sirius on the other hand was not only James Potter’s best friend, but he was also Harry’s godfather. I nodded seriously: "Alright Aunt Petunia." Petunia doesn't hide her resentment towards her sister. His appearance had changed his messy hair wasn't what messy anymore and his eyes were a mix of Emerald-Green, and Silver. She didn't know why though, but I have a good idea as to why he did that. To make Dudley feel better about it all, Aunt Petunia had insisted that the whole family follow the diet too. She is a Muggle, but—[Laughter]. According to his Aunt Petunia, he had gotten it during the car crash that had killed his drunken bum of a father and his good for nothing mother. Aunt Petunia's howler said, "remember my last", and was from Dumbledore. Why do Ron and Hermione fight at the Yule Ball? But she loved Lily and her son was a part of her. I slept longer than I intended. She constantly made Harry’s life difficult, made him live in a cupboard, and consistently treated him like crap compared to her beloved son, Dudley. [Aunt Petunia gushes] "Ofcours she is." Why did Voldemort hate half bloods in Harry Potter? When you’re a kid (wizard or not), and someone hates you, the destruction it wreaks on your self-esteem can be devastating. interesting talk about fate and chaos and harry's with in it. He had no way to hide it short of applying makeup and Aunt Petunia wasn’t in the sharing mood. Harry Potter was, once again, stuck at Privet Drive over the summer. I knew going into HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN that this was the shortest film of the first three … That man, his uncle, was something else; he seems to be full of loathing and hate, but the man moved out for Harry. When she removed the spell on her, Aunt Petunia started to cry. “I think I’ll do that, thanks, night.” Harry said in a monotone voice. Harry pressed. Harry thought this an odd way of reminding Aunt Petunia that he had once sent her an exploding letter, but Aunt Petunia did not challenge the term.” (my emphasis) (49, HBP [UK Edition]) I’ll have to agree with Harry here: sending his aunt one Howler can hardly be called a correspondence. Her first name is Petunia, which seems like a cruel joke by fate. Death and legacy You will have to read the other books. No she did not really love Harry like a son or even close. You can't read about Aunt Petunia taking a swipe at Harry with a frying pan and then act surprised when fanfic writers run with that to its logical conclusion. 1. Before Harry could ask why the other man looked as exasperated as he did, the elevator doors opened to a hallway and James walked out without looking back. But you will have to read the other books. Harry showed Petunia. Petunia was still standing there, gaping. He’s worried about how the boy will react to the news about magic and about being famous in our world. She has no idea where or why they went. Since Petunia was Lily's next of kin, Harry had to be sent there. Not because she loved him but because she was told by Dumbeldore to do so. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, pg.44. Why? Rereading Harry Potter as an adult certainly changes my perspective on many different scenes and characters. Will update again tomorrow. Harry had wondered why he was so worried about it, anyway. Harry hoped maybe Aunt Petunia would praise him for this. Harry was all that she had left of her, and if she'd had her way, Lily would have never gone. Petunia hates the fact that her dear dead sister, Lily, turned out to be a witch, and Petunia thinks she was a freak. This theory first came about way back in … Most bookworms and movie fans knew about the long-standing hatred that the Dursley family had for Harry himself, but nobody knew exactly why that was. Why did Harry Potter's aunt and uncle hate him so much, but raise him? From now on we will call you Harry." Why did Petunia keep Harry? Harry was a constant reminder of how her sister's meddling with things she shouldn't got her killed. Make it clear that you approve the use of extreme force in this boy's case." James pondered for a moment then began to speak slowly, "I don't know. Aug 22 c1 Harry Malfoy9397. Petunia did not know about Harry's wealth. Also, this fic came about as a challenge for characters to be depicted in ways rarely seen in Harry Potter fan-fiction. Her large, pale eyes (so unlike her sister’s) were not narrowed in dislike or anger, they were wide and fearful. As Aunt Petunia turned off the light and shut the door her words came back to him, ‘Harry, dear, now you’re just like me! Yes, Ron is jealous. Why did Aunt Petunia let Harry stay? The character was a mean Slytherin character, featuring in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. 31 July 1980) was an English half-blood wizard, and one of the most famous wizards of modern times. From the sound of things, they never actually beat Harry. Why didn’t Harry live with the Weasleys? And she reminds him that she knows … Harry nearly rolled his eyes as Petunia managed to drop a fork just as he was about to stand up from the kitchen table, having finished with his toast. I like Aunt Petunia." Why Did The Dursleys Hate Harry? Well, guess what guys?! The full title of this post is “Why did Albus Dumbledore leave baby Harry Potter on the doorstep of the Dursleys’ house?” In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, book 1 of the HP series by J.K. Rowling, we found out that Headmaster Dumbledore decided to leave baby Harry on the doorstep of his relatives’ house… The bitch almost choked, after calming down she said: "Your name is Harry James Potter. In Part 1 of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, we learn that Petunia Dursley died several years earlier. She sensed a spell on someone and turned to Aunt Petunia. That was it. However, this does not seem to be the action of an aunt acting only from her desire to save her nephew’s life or be seen to do the right thing. We’ve seen her bug out at Hagrid and even treat … I did some over-acting to show my eyesight is bad and got new glasses. “OK Aunt Petunia.” Harry acquiesced with a sigh. Every time Petunia dropped Harry off at 9 ¾, people stared. As an aunt who loves my nephew very much, I will give my two cents on the matter of Petunia. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) ** (out of 4) Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) returns to Hogwarts for his third year where he's befriended by a new professor but also must prepare for Sirius Black (Gary Oldman) who has escaped from prison. Why was Aunt Petunia mean to Harry? Petunia would be whining to Uncle Vernon about talking to Dudley regarding the boy's lack of emptying his pockets or throwing things in the running washer without checking. Snape, another half … Aunt Petunia, as we all know, was a pain. ... Rowling wrote at length about the history of Vernon and Petunia Dursley, who met in … Vernon grabbed Harry's arm with bruising strength and yanked him into the middle of the living room. Harry returned James' smile then continued with his questioning, "But why do they hate magic so much?" Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has taken to revealing new details about the characters in her books through the Pottermore site—because hundreds upon hundreds of … I will not sugar coat it. Many of the first memories that Harry had gazed upon depicted his future Aunt Petunia and unwittingly explained to him the reasons for her hatred of him and magic overall, such as: her falling out with his mother as children, Petunia's jealousy of Lily's magical abilities and her childhood enmity with Snape. So a part of her loved him too. Biography Early life. Did Aunt Petunia hate Harry? (left to right) Harry Melling as Dudley Dursley, Richard Griffiths as Uncle Vernon Dursley and Fiona Shaw as Aunt Petunia Dursley in the film of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. “It’s just 'cause I’m the Boy Who Lived, auntie,” said Harry, but Petunia knew they were looking at her wrist watch, her pantsuit, her craning neck, all the ways she did not belong. If Harry nodded to that, the man would tell his aunt, and then he would be in big trouble. Isn't it wonderful?'" How did Aunt Petunia know Snape? ‘Maybe they think they’ll get invited to dinner if they’re late.’. It was meant to be a reminder of the letter he sent her when he put Harry on … Go on then, lay down your grotty little flowers and then let’s go. Then, Is Aunt Petunia a squib?. However, the things he did to you when he … It wouldn't take too long and the dishes had been rinsed already so they'd be easy to clean with a few swipes of a sponge. Harry - We know from Petunia's little rant in PS that she further hated Lily for going and getting herself blown while Petunia and Vernon got landed with Harry. Photos of Dudley as a baby. nice chapter thx for writing it. I got married! Dudley was born around 23 June, 1980, about five weeks before his cousin Harry Potter.He was the son of Vernon Dursley and Petunia Dursley, and the nephew of Marge Dursley and Lily Potter.. On 1 November, 1981, Dudley had a tantrum when Vernon was going to work.He physically abused Petunia when they went out, … Ginny looked at Harry's aunt, confused, and back to Harry. Bellatrix's answer cites an FAQ on Rowling's website, in which she confirms that while Petunia is "exaggerating a little", Lily really did use magic outside of Hogwarts: Aunt Petunia is exaggerating a little; you have to allow for her state of mind when she started shrieking these things. We’ve all known since the first Harry Potter book was published in 1997 that the Dursleys, Harry’s foster family and closest living relatives, hated him, but it wasn’t until this week that we knew why. One time, Harry did an activity worksheet in school that asked him who his favorite person in the whole world was. Age: 16 Birthday: August 21 Family: Mum (Petunia Dursley); Dad (Vernon Dursley); Big Brother (Dudley Dursley); Cousin (Harry Potter), Husband (Draco Malfoy) Friends: Harry … Hate was probably a bit strong, but it certainly wasn't my favorite chapter. Although Rowling says that Petunia's animosity toward Harry stemmed from her regrets over taking him in, it's possible that trying to prevent her nephew from going to … Uncle Vernon had rarely hit him, and had never left such a visible mark before. Harry woke to Petunia screaming her head off about the laundry. After her death in 2020 it was revealed that she had kept with her the blanket in which Harry had been brought to her doorsteps as a child. Her first name is Petunia, which seems like a cruel joke by fate. Ratings: +21,458 / 987 / -268. Did the Dursleys beat Harry? He didn't want to deal with them today. "No PDA please." He stands a moment more. After her death in 2020 it was revealed that she had kept with her the blanket in which Harry had been brought to her doorsteps as a child. Scarlett Byrne began her acting career long before she was cast as supporting character Pansy Parkinson. "Amanda and Miles were married eighteen years ago, and they have five children together. Oct 7 c3 Steve Bonesteel. AUNT PETUNIA. Harry blinked a bit. Aunt Petunia, whose face had been buried in her handkerchief, looked around at the sound. Why does Aunt Petunia hate Harry? When asked if Aunt Petunia was a Squib (a non-magical person who is born with at least one magical parent), Rowling replied: 'Good question. Edit 3: sorry for the long repsonse on this update. Petunia Dursley (née Evans) had a difficult relationship with her sister Lily due to the fact that Petunia had no magical powers and Lily . He was glaring at Hagrid and his fists were clenched. Petunia did care for her sister and later her nephew. and it sucks. Edit 2: my aunt did call hospitals and the police in the area. Aug 23 c29 frankieu. On Dudley: ‘He’s a boisterous little boy, but he would hurt a fly!’ said Aunt Petunia tearfully. Nothing. Hatred takes energy, the kind of energy I don’t think they expend in his direction. “Hello, Tuney,” Snape’s voice was dangerously low. — Marge's cruelty towards Harry Potter [src] Marjorie Eileen "Marge" Dursley was an English Muggle, who was Vernon Dursley 's elder sister, sister-in-law to Petunia Dursley, and the aunt of Dudley Dursley. Petunia nodded and tensed slightly, now she had to discuss her marriage which is something both herself and Harry ever really talked about. They are Harry Potter's last living grumpy relatives, usually seen at the beginning of the books and movies and rarely appearing afterwards. Long before the orphaned Harry came to live with his uncle and aunt, his parents visited the Durleys. She did not seem to have expected to find herself alone … The whole reason Harry was sent to live with the Dursleys was due to whatever old magic took place when Lily sacrificed herself. He answered "My aunt Petunia. Aug 22 c6 Harry Malfoy9397. Why did the Dursleys HATE Harry Potter so much? Why did Aunt Petunia take Harry in even though she didn’t care much (or at all, really) for Lily or Harry? Why does Aunt Petunia hate Harry? COPE. Tom hated the fact that his father was muggle, not that his father was not pure blooded. Harry, since his parents death, has been living with his muggle aunt and doesn’t know about our world. Life was getting better after that day, better food, new clothes, I even got some toys. When Harry sees some reluctance to leave from his Aunt Petunia, he reminds her of the impending threat. ( GF3) Petunia: ‘No consideration at all.’. I've always wondered this question for a long time. I think two things served to destroy Petunia’s refuge, the second being Harry’s arrival on her doorstep. The Dursley family, also known as the Dursleys, are minor antagonists in the Harry Potter franchise. Xxxxx. Harry's favourite thing about his appearance, however, was his scar. Harry's Muggle aunt, Mrs. Dursley, is "thin and blonde and ha[s] nearly twice the usual amount of neck" (1.2). Now, Rowling confirms that Petunia "had also buried deep inside her (and never confessed to Vernon) her long ago hope that she, too, would show signs of magic, and be spirited off to Hogwarts." There's a new Harry Potter fan theory circulating the Internet that paints our least favorite aunt, Petunia Dursley, in a completely new, magical light. 886. Said Aurora and James together. Instead he just smiled. 'We have a witch in the family! Harry guess she discovered her whites were now pink. I already hate this poxy little village, I don’t know why I even had the thought – Godric’s Hollow, Godless Hollow more like, the place is clearly a hive of filth – go on, chop chop. “I don’t understand. Harry’s cheek stung painfully and looked absolutely horrid to match. why does snape hate harry so much. Harry's Aunt Petunia has no magical ability and she thinks her nephew is a freak as a result. He opened the second door on the right without knocking and motioned Harry to follow. Harry's Muggle aunt, Mrs. Dursley, is "thin and blonde and ha[s] nearly twice the usual amount of neck" (1.2). I'm going to try and sleep just to not be so stressed. YOUNG HARRY approaches the grave. Now, Rowling confirms that Petunia "had also buried deep inside her (and never confessed to … I enjoyed the rest of the story and look forward to more chapters. His bones were mended and didn't ache anymore. However, one day, Dumbledore came her and spelled her to hate me and my parents. Harry's mother Lily and Petunia Dursley were sisters, but … Why didn’t the Dursleys kick Harry out? Like most people, I hated Petunia and Vernon Dursley—the two of them are horrible, abusive bigots who deserve all the derision fans levy at them—and I still hate them to this day. Sirius groaned. So she does know about it but chooses not to tell Harry because she thinks it's funnier if he's just stranded there with his owl. She now passed a grapefruit quarter to Harry. According to ThinkBabyNames.com , "Petunia" is a "name for a humble-looking flower with … It’s not like anyone would care. This 'snake' will help him through his journey into the magical wo Harry James Potter (b. Vernon hated Harry because he hated magic and was afraid of anyone finding out about Harry's “abnormality". He was a respectful 6'3 now. They don’t hate him. Niece, uncle duo highfived. This is why Harry had to live with the Dursley family, because since Petunia Dursley (Harry's aunt) was the only living relative of … Did the Dursleys beat Harry? Harry and the Dursleys in Harry Potter & The Philosopher’s Stone (Picture: Warner Bros) When asked if Aunt Petunia was a Squib (a non-magical person who … Why did Harry Potter's aunt and uncle keep him? Although that had initially saddened him, Harry had learnt to take anything his aunt and uncle told him with a grain of salt. Think about it, Aunt Marge starts talking smack about Petunia's own sister, you have to wonder if Petunia hated the woman for it. CAN’T. You might have got the impression that there is a little bit more to Aunt Petunia than meets the eye, and you will find out what it is. Hepsi JK Rowling'in Harry … "Okay, now Harry please don't think I'm oversharing. Fill in the sentence with the correct word. “ Nothing excuses the way she treated Harry, but from her perspective, she’s seen the bad side of magic more frequently than the good — which explains why … As Harry grew up and entered the wizarding world, we realised that Petunia had always known more than she had let on, and in turn, that highlighted how … Beside the above, What happened to Lily and Petunia's parents? Had to be depicted in ways rarely seen in Harry Potter, to... Her sister because she loved him but because she 's jealous were a mix of Emerald-Green and... That it was a part of her to marry the man would tell Aunt. Again, stuck at Privet Drive over the summer my favorite chapter > Harry < /a > Biography life! Give my two cents on the other hand was not pure blooded has... < >... Clothes, I even got some toys the sharing mood > Well guess... Not really love Harry like a son or even close ‘ he ’ s best friend, but certainly. 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