The continent can be divided into two major components, the Amazonian craton in the north and the Brasiliano domain in the south (Benjamin 1991). GEOL 102 The Proterozoic Eon THE PROTEROZOIC ERA (2500 Ma-700 Ma) Growth of Continents Trans-Hudson orogenesis included plate collisions of large Archean continents, such as the Superior Province, along with smaller Archean INTRODUCTION The Wyoming province is the most southwest-ern of the Archean provinces of North America. Archean cratons are relatively flat, stable regions of the crust that have remained undeformed since the Precambrian, forming the ancient cores of the continents ( Fig. Supercontinents | Archean granite-greenstone terrains (GGTs) occur in the stable interior cratons of Australia, India, South Africa, and North America. The neoarchean ophiolite in the North China craton: Early 1, inset).The Zunhua structural belt of the eastern Hebei Province represents the northern extension . Wyoming 6. Archean cratons commonly remains narrowly fo-cussed, either by discipline or by geographic area. Younger (Proterozoic) rocks are shown in . Intensely reworked in the Neoarchean, crustal rocks were combined into a. Hoffman, P.F. Continental lithosphere is typically about 200 km thick, though this varies considerably between basins, mountain ranges, and stable cratonic interiors of continents. A craton is the oldest part of a continental plate. These mafic to felsic volcanic sequences and associated sedimentary rocks are named for the greenish cast of their constituent minerals and have undergone mountain-building (orogenic) episodes during their long and complex geologic history. See also how many pounds of bamboo do pandas eat. 3. ago, Siberia and possibly also Australia and Antarctica were fused to western North America. PDF Canada's craton: A bottoms-up view Superior Craton - WikiMili, The Best Wikipedia Reader P-wave tomography of eastern North America: Evidence for mantle evolution from Archean to Phanerozoic, and modification during subsequent hot spot tectonism. "North American Precambrian geology" by Harry Dickens and southeastern sectors of the round-oval domain and represents approximately a third of the Archaean crust in North America.This province is the largest among the Neoarchaean cratons of the Earth. 5 and 6; holm, 6 billion years ago. North America The core of the North American continent is composed of several Archean cratons including the Superior, Slave, Nain, Hearne, Wyoming and Rae (Figure 1). Thirty-five Archean crustal provinces are School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, 3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria V8W 3P6, British the Archean craton of the Superior Province and are interpreted as representing Early Proterozoic cratonic-margin orogenic activity. During the Early Proterozoic they were reactivated and covered by sediments, most of which has now been eroded away. The Superior craton is bordered on the south by the northeast- trending Penokean orogen. The 2.4-3.9 Ga Wyoming Craton is the most southwestern extent of Archean lithosphere in North America. . 13.List the Archean provinces and Craytons of North America.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.14. Ans: D Pages: 281 and 282 The Assembly of North America 18. ago. Subdivisions of the Canadian Shield of North America based on the age of the rock unit. Nain 5. The Proterozoic Keweenawan basalts A) formed in the closing ocean between the Wyoming and Hearne provinces. II ARCHEAN OROGENIC GOLD PROVINCES Superior Province, Central North America Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia Slave Province, Canada Dharwar Craton, Southern India Pilbara Craton, Western Australia Barberton Terrane, South Africa Wyoming Craton, USA Zimbabwe Craton, Africa Tanzania and Congo Cratons, Africa Brazil Archean III PALEOPROTEROZOIC . These cratons were welded together during Paleoproterozoic collisions and have been coherent since 1.7 Ga 5. They together form the Canadian shields. 6, doi: 10.1130/GSAT01806A.1 Canada's craton: A bottoms-up view Dante Canil, (giga-annum [Ga]). The shaded region in (b) is the Archean Kaapvaal-Limpopo-Zimbabwe ('ralon. ago, several small Archean granitic continents were present. 9:00 Paul Mueller]The Wyoming Province: A Unique Archean Craton (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 4.5MB Feb22 19) Click to view. It is an old and stable part of the continental lithosphere. 4. THE PROTEROZOIC ERA (2500 Ma-700 Ma) Growth of Continents On the basis of these date clusters, the principal thermal-tectonic events in North America are as follows: 1. D) Canadian Shield. The main exposed part of the North American craton (Laurentia) that was assembled from at least five microcontinents between 1.95 and 1.85 billion years ago is called the A) Archean terranes. The Superior Craton is a stable crustal block covering Quebec, Ontario, and southeast Manitoba in Canada, and northern Minnesota in the United States. Archean cratons and subdivisions within: Sup Superior craton, NSS Northern Superior superterrane and Hudson Bay terrane, RA Riviere Arnaud terrane, NCT North Caribou terrane, M Marmion terrane, N Nain craton, S Slave craton, R Rae craton, H Hearn craton, Wy Wyoming craton, GC Grouse Creek block. The Wyoming Craton was Wyoming is a state of the United States of America Wyoming may also refer to: Wyoming craton . The basement core of North America is the Canadian shield. The Canadian Shield is a large area of Archean through Proterozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks in eastern Canada and north central and northeastern United States. The formation is also a time of temperature inversion in the mantle: cool material is dumped at the core mantle boundary resulting in higher-than-average core heat flux. Abitibi belt is a long, big greenstone b View the full answer Baltica (old Scandinavia nucleus) collided with North America about 1.2 b.y. Globally, the most important period of formation was from 2.7 to 2.6 billion years ago, especially in the Slave and Superior provinces of North America, the Yilgarn block in Australia, and the Dharwar craton in India. The Wyoming Province is a distinctive Archean craton in the northwestern United States that can be subdivided into three subprovinces, namely, from oldest to youngest, the Montana metasedimentary. B) Superior Province. GGTs represent the best remaining evidence of the tectonic regime that reigned in the Archean. 500 000 km 2 Archean craton, is the most southwestern of the Archean provinces in North America. Lithospheric layering in the North American craton. Baltica (old Scandinavia nucleus) collided with North America about 1.2 b.y. It has a geologic history that is distinctive from that of the Superior province, the largest Precam-brian craton within North America. Known gold deposits within granite greenstone terranes of the Superior province of North America are associated with shear zones, faults, or fold hinges, all of which provide structural settings for fluid transportation and Evolution of North America workshop: The challenges of connecting surface geology to EarthScope-resolved features Crustal Genesis (Archean petrogenesis, tectonics [plate or not].) The Congo Craton, covered by the Palaeozoic-to-recent Congo Basin, is an ancient Precambrian craton that with four others makes up the modern continent of Africa.These cratons were formed between about 3.6 and 2.0 billion years ago and have been tectonically stable since that time. The majority It is an assemblage of Archean microcontinents amalgamated via Proterozoic orogens, the largest of these Archean blocks being the Superior Province (Figure 1, inset) [ Hoffman, 1989]. 2. Source: Whitmeyer, Steven J., and Karl E. Karlstrom. The Superior craton of North America, from Bari and Sautter, 2001 . A) Archean terranes. Archean cratons1 are complex fragments of pre- ago, Siberia and possibly also Australia and Antarctica were fused to western North America. The oldest bedrock, the Archean provinces Slave, Rae, Hearne, Wyoming, Superior, and Nain, are located in the northern two thirds of Laurentia. Study of mantle structure in southeast Canada and the northeast US offers an excellent opportunity to address this issue because the region spans 3 billion years of Earth history, including Archean formation of . In contrast to many other Archean provinces, rocks of tonalite-trondhjemite affinity are rare over most of the province and are restricted to rocks older than 2.8 Ga. Field, petrologic . 2.1-1.9 Ga.).The Trans-Hudson orogeny resulted from the collision of the Superior Craton of eastern Canada with the Hearne Craton in northern Saskatchewan and the Wyoming Craton of the western United States, with the Archean . 1.83 Ga) Western Churchill province contributes to the complicated and protracted tectonic history of the craton, and marks a major change in the behaviour of the Churchill Craton with many remnants of Archean . In all provinces, the highest heat flow values, and hence the highest bulk crustal heat production, are systematically observed in Figure 1. C) Wyoming and Hearne provinces. The Barberton belt in the Kaapvaal craton and the Warrawoona belt in the Pilbara block are 3.5 billion years old. The Amazonian craton is formed of crust from multiple ages, Archean to mid-Proterozoic and was stabilized about 1.0Ga ago (Benjamin 1991). The Wyoming province, a small, ca. The updated aeromagnetic map of North America (North American Magnetic Anomaly Group, 2002) provides a means to refine structures in the basement . 18 Some of the . and (or) granulite grade make up most of the Archean Wyoming craton (or province), which underlies the southern and eastern parts of the State (Wooden and others, 1988). Although the reasons for such research biases are obvious this tends to impede a more complete under-standing of the ancient cratons, their genesis, and the Archean Earth in general. It underlies most of the eponymous state and regions to the north and east. Precambrian Provinces in North America Precambrian provinces were welded (or sutured) together to form a large continent called Laurentia during Early Proterozoic. The Western Churchill province is the part of the Churchill Craton that is exposed north and west of the Hudson Bay. The phase of mobile-lid convection that follows this (analogous to plate . Rae 3. 500 000 km 2 Archean craton, is the most southwestern of the Archean provinces in North America. Wyoming craton structure. It is unclear what physical processes dominated the joining of these nuclei and subsequent growth of the amalgamated craton; both continuous and episodic models for Late Archean The Congo-Tanzania Craton is a region of pre-2.5 Ga continental crust, located in central Africa and includes the Tanzania and Congo cratons, linked by the Archean Uganda Basement Gneiss and West Nile Complex (> 2.8 Ga Kilo-Moto Terrane). Kenoran (late Archean) - associated with simultaneous cooling and convective heat dissipation of earlier hotter crust within individual Archean provinces, and the beginning of stable cratons. the penokean province comprises an east-northeast-trending belt of archean and paleo-proterozoic igneous and metasedimentary rocks that extends from central minnesota across northern michigan and the northern coast of manitoulin island in lake huron before pinching out at the grenville deformation front in northern ontario ( figs. The earliest part of the shield is metamorphosed Archean rocks, originally volcanic in origin. Early formation North America and Greenland first appeared in the Early and Middle Proterozoic as Laurentia, a patchwork of orogenic belts formed by collisions between Archean provinces and Early Proterozoic accretions (Hoffman, 1988). At this time, North America was part of the Rodinia . Map of North American geological and tectonic provinces regions discussed herein. Kenoran (late Archean) - associated with simultaneous cooling and convective heat dissipation of earlier hotter crust within individual Archean provinces, and the beginning of stable cratons. It includes the Mewar Craton in the east and Marwar Craton in the west. Down eastern ridge of Laurentian craton, represents continent-continent collision, c. 1.3-1.0 Ga Laurentia apparently near center of Rodinia: other cratons assembled around it. An Archean, 3.1 (to possibly even 3.6) billion years old supercontinent Vaalbara, in which the South African Kaapvaal Craton was joined to the Pilbara Craton of Western Australia, is the oldest proposed supercontinent. These sedimentary rocks were largely deposited from 650 to 290 million years ago. Under the North American craton, the velocity of horizontally polarized shear waves, V SH, exceeds that of vertically polarized shear waves, V SV, in general, indicating dominant horizontal shear 39. 5. of crystallization and cooling of rocks. Two major supracrustal sequences, the Huronian Supergroup in Ontario and the Marquette Range Supergroup and Animikie Group of Michigan and Minnesota, overlie an Archean basement. By 2 b.y. Download pdf. The global Archean record preserves ca. Archaean cratons of North America are - Wyoming province, Superior province, Slave province, Western Churchill province (Hearne province + Rae province), Nain province. "Tectonic Model for the Proterozoic Growth of North America." Geosphere 3, no. It is the biggest craton among those formed during the Archean period. Archean: Craton forms . At the end of Neo-Archean, the intrusion of 2500 2350 Ma granites and basic dykes indicate the accomplishment of the amalgamation. It has a geologic history that is distinctive from that of the Superior province, the largest Precam-brian craton within North America. C) Wyoming and Hearne provinces. Slave 2. T3: Archean cratons and their rifted margins: stratigraphic systems, tectonics, secular evolution and metallogeny . ago. It is composed primarily of Late Archean potassium-rich Expand Precambrian Provinces in North America Oldest (Archean) rocks are shown in orange. This represents a contrast of about 25 mW m --~ between the heat flow at the center of the craton and the characteristic values of the mobile belts. Archean cratons (positions unconstrained; Rae and Hearne in present-day locations) Courtesy of Geological Society of America. 1. The distribution of rocks types and structures associated with the Penokean Orogeny and with similar orogenic belts along the margin of the Archean craton of North America suggest that these orogenic It developed in the Archean from 4.0-2.5 billion years ago (Fig. This was followed by the Grenville orogen at 1200 to 1000 Ma coeval with rifting in the Midcontinent. 4. Overview. On the basis of these date clusters, the principal thermal-tectonic events in North America are as follows: 1. All of these cratons are bounded by younger fold belts formed between 2.0 billion and 300 million years ago. Most Archean cratons display rifted margins of Proterozoic age and therefore are mere fragments of supercratons, which are defined herein as large ancestral landmasses of Archean age with a stabilized core that on break-up spawned several independently drifting cratons. (1 pt.) Archean cratons are found in North America, Africa, Russia, Australia and India. of the craton to about 70 mW m 2 several hundred kilometers away. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2012. . what is the Abitibi Belt and what age/type of rocks are exposed there?a.15.What is the nature in significance of the green stone belts? 9:15 Dave Mogk . 9:00 Paul MuellerThe Wyoming Province: A Unique Archean Craton 9:15 Dave MogkTTGs We Have Known and Loved: 1.5 Ga of Growth and Recycling of edge of the Superior craton in central North America and . North American Mantle Anisotropy and Discontinuity experiment (NOMAD) XO97 Figure 1. By 1.5 b.y. It is composed primarily of Late Archean potassium-rich granitic rocks. B) erupted in a great, elongate rift that threatened to tear apart North America. Laurentia or the North American Craton is a large continental craton that forms the ancient geological core of the North American continent. Earth Sciences questions and answers. The Superior Province is the core of the Canadian Shield and North America. 8; Whitmeyer and Karlstrom, 2007). provinces, which bound the THO to the east, northwest, and south-west respectively. This craton later assembled into the Canadian shield, which became part of the North American craton . a.16.what is the significance of Trans-hudson. LAB 10 (Exercise 14 of the Lab Manual) - Canadian Shield and Stable Platform 1. resulted in the Laurentian craton, an aggregate of eight Archean provinces welded between 1900 and 1600 Ma. The two Archean cratons in the region, the Superior and Wyoming provinces, are welded by the north-trending Trans-Hudson orogen. 3. The Archean (ca. They subsequently underwent extensive crust creation and further orogenic activity (Wicander, 2004). North American craton was assembled from several Archean nuclei welded by Proterozoic orogenic belts (Figure 1). The Tanzania Craton (0.5 million km2; Tanzania, SW Kenya, SE Uganda) consists of Abstract The Wyoming province, a small, ca. van Schmus, W. R. Abstract. Anorogenic magmas intruded many of these collision zones after this time. This paper presents a plate-scale model for the Precambrian growth and evolution of the North American continent. The Proterozoic . Life and Death of a Craton: A 4D EarthScope perspective on the role of the Wyoming Craton in the evolution of North America. Used with permission. These sequences are about 2200-2300 Ma and 1900-2000 Ma old . 4 (2007): 220-59. Sedimentation on and around the craton consisted of . Superior Evolution of Laurentia -Archean cratons assembled via collisions of island arcs and minicontinents -accretion of these continents accured during the proterozoic at the craton margins, forming much larger landmasses. Convenors: Wouter Bleeker (, Mike Hamilton ( The Archean cratons of North America formed as part of larger late Archean continental landmasses (supercratons). The Sclavia Craton is a late Archean supercraton thought to be parental to the Slave and Wyoming Cratons in North America, the Dharwar Craton in southern of Wyoming include schist and gneiss in the Wyoming Craton which formed during the Archean beginning 3. The Trans-Hudson Orogen is bounded to the south by the Yavapai Province primarily comprised of juvenile arc crust, which was accreted along the southeastern margin of North America between 1.71 and 1.68 Ga (Whitmeyer and Karl-strom, 2007). B) Superior Province. The concept of Vaalbara is based on similarities in sedimentary sequences on both cratons. D) Canadian Shield. Its north, west and southeast boundaries (Transhudsonian and Grenvillian orogens) are mainly tectonic, while in the south (Penokean Orogen) and north-east (Northern . Keywords: active margin,Archean, metamor-phic petrology, structure, tectonics, Wyoming province. A craton (pronunciation: / k r /, / k r /, or / k r e /; from Template:Lang-el kratos "strength") is an old and stable part of the continental lithosphere, where the lithosphere consists of the Earth's two topmost layers, the crust and the uppermost mantle.Having often survived cycles of merging and rifting of continents, cratons are generally . pling would likely obscure the global trend. By Huaiyu Yuan. The craton is bounded on . Intracratonic indentation of the Archean Slave Province into the Early Proterozoic Thelon Tectonic Zone of the Churchill Province, northwestern Canadian Shield.